Present Ponderings

Present Ponderings is a daily practice series focused on treasuring the present moments and processing whatever life is throwing my way. 

The process for each page involved collecting imagery, generally from vintage National Geographic magazines and creating a base through collage. Paint, found objects, glitter, and other elements were then layered on top to create a more visually interesting composition. The final element added to the page was a handwritten poem; each poem focuses on an event from my own life or something that I was processing. Although not every page includes every element, the overall use of cool hues and consistent mark making helps to form a visually cohesive collection of daily collages detailing a season of life. 

Although this series of daily practices has been completed, this is one area within my practice that I hope to continue. I will continue to write poetry as well as collage, but I also would like to explore how to further my own practice and daily studies.


Out of Sight Out of Mind


Camouflage Cartography